1、1 求英语作文我的老师 My Teacher My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin His English is very good And he always wears a pair of glasses He likes wearing blue trousers My teacher is hands。
2、My favourite teacher is my English teacher, Miss Hu Her English name is Sally She is a beautiful lady She is very humorous But sometimes she is very strict with us She can speak English , But。
3、我的老师英语作文1 My favourite teacher is Miss Huang She is a beautiful lady She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth There is always a smile on her face Miss Huang likes singing and coll。
4、我的老师优秀英语作文1 She was born for teaching and does a great jib In her class, she can get her students involved in learning and doing exercises They are attracted by the topics she gives and this makes her。
5、1 以“我的老师”为题写一篇英语作文 my favorite teacher it#39 s september 10th, saturday, and it#39s the teachers#39 day i think i must do something for my teacher i love my english teacher, miss zhang best she。
6、我的老师作文1 The first day when I started my middle school life, I felt so lonely, because I didnrsquot know anyone who was around me My teacher Miss Li was like our parent, and she arranged。
7、珍妮,我的老师,我爱你我的英语老师My Headteacher My high school headteacher teaches my English He is handsome And he is very thin for hardwork He is about forty years old He looks serious But。
8、the blue sky and the courage to sail against the current Thank you, teacher“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”老师,这是您的工作写照,是您给了我搏击蓝天的翅膀,给了我逆水行舟的勇气老师,谢谢您。
9、在我看来,一位好的老师,胜过万卷书她永远都是我的良师益友珍妮,我的老师,我爱你我的英语老师My Headteacher My high school headteacher teaches my English He is handsome And he is very thin for。
10、英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,下面为大家分享我的老师的英语作文,欢迎借鉴!我的老师作文1 The first day when I started my middle school life, I felt so lonely。
11、她是一个随和的老师,而且和我们与她相处得很好所有的学生都喜欢她,她是我们的好朋友我们非常幸运,遇到这样一位好老师,我们将不会忘记她”2 五年级上学期英语作文 我的老师 My English teacher My English。
12、这大概就是我们的英语老师吧此人发话了“丑话说在前面,我脾气不好”一句话着实把我们全班都镇住了第一印象凶But after a long time, we found that it was not what she said or what we thought可。
14、一写作思路 题目为命题作文,我的英语老师一般同学都会写女老师,所以我建议出其不意,写一个男老师,会容易拿高分,因为有创新开头介绍英语老师的名字,中间重点描述老师的外貌和性格特点,结尾表达对老师的感情格式。
15、我们的老师很出色,我们都很喜欢他 我的英语老师英语作文4 邓老师,曾教了我四年的英语老师啊,现在她去其他小学教书了,她那和蔼和亲的脸庞一直深深地印在我的脑海里邓老师中等身材,有着一张圆圆的脸,短短的头发迷人的微笑。
16、六年级英语作文我的老师1 Taught from grade one to now, my math teacher is a total of three, which let me the deepest impression is miss qinQin teacher of medium height, always wear very tidy, pitch。
17、4 我的老师英语作文带翻译 I like listening English music, sometimes I listen or watch English programs on radio or TVBut these ways are not enoughSo I do as he asks For example do one reading。